Expect Intelligence
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“What I love about TRAP is how effectively it engages students across such a wide range of functional abilities and ages. For the past 15 years, I have been working with students with moderate to severe disabilities, and there are not many activities that can hold the attention and teach skills to students ranging from…
Heidi Escobar
Often times I wonder how Dion would be today if TRAP never evolved. Would Dion still be passive, timid, unexpressive, unsure of himself in any social environment? Dion’s life certainly has been nurtured by the elements of TRAP. His receipt of learning through love, compassion, rhythm, expression of himself through music and acceptance at his…
Debbi Cornejo
As a physician working in the field of neurodevelopment disabilities I can attest to TRAP’s contribution in behavioral control, auditory and visual perceptual matching, prepositional and lateral concepts, temporal organization and spatial awareness; all which are required for true inclusion and strides in independence.
Rick Rader, MD, FAAIDD