And then this happened

Cancer, really? that just doesn’t resonate. With all the cards I’ve been dealt and played, I never thought this piece of crap disease would be one of them, ever. Ok, so, where does one begin to acknowledge this reality? Denial isn’t in the realm of possibility after the number of doctors, biopsies. blood tests, and […]


The insecurity of youth creates its own kind of façade that prevents us from fully appreciating what we see and hear in other artists. Years ago I dabbled in the music merchant business which perversely led to a leveling of my own ego. To promote other players meant truly listening and believing in their talent. […]

As a teacher

As a teacher, I’m tasked with instruction and guidance, but I am also meant to listen and learn from my students. If I’m paying attention, if I win their trust, I might find the keys that unlock their own goals and aspirations. If I know what their dreams entail, I might create a realistic path […]


What is it about adversity that changes one’s heart and in doing so enhances their ability to enact positive change. Is this hardship and difficulty some kind of prerequisite to the incentive? Why do you suppose God would rub shoulders with such seemingly lost souls who most folks would deem undeserving? Benevolence is a gift […]


 Dion & Eddie “The Drummers hand Shake” To espouse a sense of importance is too often the case when unrefined talent is misconstrued as an entitlement. Talent is like faith, without works it avails us nothing, nothing but ego. When talent is distinguished, it is the ego that is all too often espoused. Balance is a […]


I’ve mentioned that a Thread of Kindness connects our TRAP students no matter where they are or what belief they hold dear. No matter what language they speak or what culture they embrace, they don’t see race, origin or religion. When we look in their eyes it’s always God we see in the reflection. Kindness […]

Expect Intelligence

Expect Intelligence From a teaching perspective, never approach a student with any preconceived notions as to their level of ability. Whether that child/young adult, is neurologically -typical or disabled, we are all intellectually different. Let’s not judge anyone by the way they appear, looks are deceiving. Given we approach this person expecting intelligence, with openness, […]

It’s not enough

It’s not enough to provide shelter, food, and clothing for our friends with Intellectual differences. Preparing them to be successful in the typical world requires education. When we teach our friends to be successful in the social realm, it means teaching them the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic as well as social skills and […]