
Debbie Major

Debbie Major

Debbie Major

Debbie Major, Northeast Trainer

Debbie Major is a native of Dallas, Texas. Throughout her youth, she always pursued her passion for music. Originally a pianist and drummer, her exceptional vocal skills quickly became obvious.

She married and gave birth to twin boys. Shortly after, it was determined that both boys would face lifelong challenges. Jacob was diagnosed with ASD. Gage was diagnosed with CP and Asperger Syndrome. Throughout their early years, Debbie utilized her passion for music as a vehicle for development and learning. Teaching basic hygiene, household chores, and various life skills.

She became the music teacher at Inspire Kids, a local pioneer in early intervention. Over a ten-year span, she was exposed to many children with an array cognitive and or physical challenges. of challenges. This developed into a desire of advocacy not only for her boys but challenged individuals of all ages.

As her boys aged, Debbie continued to explore new methods to maximize their capabilities and independence. Always advocating for this population Debbie founded Zylofone Studios, Inc., a local non-profit to address the needs of all ages, birth to 100+. Always seeking to offer the best for her patrons, Debbie was intrigued by the TRAP program. She met with Eddie Tuduri and quickly recognized the benefits including confidence, independence, fine motor skills, etc. Now, with over 10 years of experience, Debbie has used and witnessed the benefits attained from the TRAP program by individuals and groups of all ages and abilities

Today, Debbie provides training for the TRAP program in the Northeast region of the US. Always an advocate, she shares a story of hope, promise, persistence, and progress. Always determined to ensure challenged individuals are provided with what they truly deserve.