The Rhythmic Arts Project

The Rhythmic Arts Project empowers people with various disabilities to succeed in the world. We integrate drums and percussion instruments as creative learning tools that address life skills and enhance the mind, body, and spirit.

About Us

Empowering People with Disabilities

The Rythmic Arts Project (TRAP) educates individual with intellectual and developmental disabilities as well as young children.

About TRAP

Drums, YES, but so much more!

The TRAP program has been successful in addressing cognitive, emotional, and physical disabilities

What We Do

TRAP Training

We offer on-site and online training opportunities that teach you the tools for success

Contact Us

Expect Intelligence

From a teaching perspective, never approach a student with any preconceived notions as to their level of ability. Whether that child/young adult, is neurotypical or disabled, we are all intellectually different. Let’s not judge anyone by the way they appear, looks are deceiving. Given we approach this person expecting intelligence, with openness, trust and above all, kindness, miracles can happen. They may have a capacity for emotional knowledge, imagination, and creativity beyond our own comprehension. More times than not, we are likely to walk away surrounded by light, love, and a newfound proficiency in our teaching skills.

 Always expect intelligence.

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To Be Announced...

Hear from those using our program
Parents, Teachers, and Administrators

Group of women educators

“What I love about TRAP is how effectively it engages students across such a wide range of functional abilities and ages. For the past 15 years, I have been working with students with moderate to severe disabilities, and there are not many activities that can hold the attention and teach skills to students ranging from…

Heidi Escobar

Often times I wonder how Dion would be today if TRAP never evolved. Would Dion still be passive, timid, unexpressive, unsure of himself in any social environment? Dion’s life certainly has been nurtured by the elements of TRAP. His receipt of learning through love, compassion, rhythm, expression of himself through music and acceptance at his…

Debbi Cornejo

As a physician working in the field of neurodevelopment disabilities I can attest to TRAP’s contribution in behavioral control, auditory and visual perceptual matching, prepositional and lateral concepts, temporal organization and spatial awareness; all which are required for true inclusion and strides in independence.

Rick Rader, MD, FAAIDD

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