As a teacher

As a teacher, I’m tasked with instruction and guidance, but I am also meant to listen and learn from my students. If I’m paying attention, if I win their trust, I might find the keys that unlock their own goals and aspirations. If I know what their dreams entail, I might create a realistic path […]

Expect Intelligence

Expect Intelligence From a teaching perspective, never approach a student with any preconceived notions as to their level of ability. Whether that child/young adult, is neurologically -typical or disabled, we are all intellectually different. Let’s not judge anyone by the way they appear, looks are deceiving. Given we approach this person expecting intelligence, with openness, […]

Syllabus of Success

Goals: What does trust look like? Trust is the cornerstone of our teaching. Our students have been ignored for the better part of their lives. When we can show them how much we care and create trust, we can take them anywhere in the realm of Learning, love & Life. TRAP Methodology: The Rhythmic Arts […]